Turn your passion for photography into a lucrative side income.
If you don't know where to start with building a successful photography business, you're in the right place. This self-paced photography business course was specifically tailored for individuals who are seeking guidance and a step-by-step blueprint to turn their passion for photography into a thriving and profitable venture. Learn a comprehensive framework which will empower you to define your niche, build a captivating portfolio, attract clients, and scale your business for steady growth.
Ambitious photographers ready to turn their passion into profit
Disciplined learners eager to build a strong foundation in creative entrepreneurship
Individuals willing to invest time and energy to create a thriving business
A self-paced online course with video lessons and exercises designed to build your understanding of creative entrepreneurship and jump start your photography business.
6 hours of instructional video content
Course workbook and templates
Life access to video lesson & updates
Exclusive Zoom Q&A session for pre-sale students
Reggie Ballesteros
All lessons are pre-recorded video lectures that can be watched at any time and at your own pace. Pre-sale begins on July 10th, and lessons will be live and available for learning starting August 7th.
You will get lifetime access to all lesson content and updates.
The Photography Business Blueprint comes with a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee. If you're not happy with the results, if in fact you don't have a better grasp on finding your niche, building your portfolio, pricing your photography, and how to get leads then I refuse to keep your money.
This course is designed to be business course for photographers, not a course to teach photography skills. If you're a beginner photographer not quite confident to take on client shoots, I'd recommend checking out my Light and Lines Photography Bootcamp first. If you are an amateur photographer looking to get your first paid clients or a semi-professional photographer looking to scale your business, this course is for you.
Yes, you definitely can. You can find many resources on these topics taught on YouTube, blogs, articles, etc. With that said, this course has been designed to condense my ten years of professional photography experience down to a single actionable online photography business course.